Ministry Update 8/6/21
Dear Partners,
The Missionary Team has returned safely from the latest outreach and many indigenous lives encountered the message of saving grace through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There were no major problems and CEF and the Missions outreach was accomplished without any issues or monetary overruns. From what has been relayed to us, the only major change was money for the church build was shuffled into food, water and medical supplies. Because of the severe drought, our team in Kenya felt these immediate needs outweighed any other at this time.
We are including photos from the recent trip (and a link to our gallery), which gives you a wonderful synopsis of the trip. We have included a picture of the map that gives you an idea where the trip took place.
Bill, Ken, and I have been meeting weekly this year, so everyone can feel comfortable that this ministry is still a very main focus of our three lives as we sojourn in this foreign country. I can tell you that it is a great feeling to see the love Bill and Ken have for this call they have been given. It is a feeling of Christlike Revelation, when the Holy Spirit moves them as they share their life experiences in Christ and the way God moved them into this love for the Kenyan people.
I can't say this enough, but we are also very thankful for the way God has moved all of you to lend a hand in this ministry. We have no idea how long the Lord will tarry before his return, but as we can see from what is going on in this world, we are a lot further along in world history as seen through the eyes of Scripture.
We know we will have blessings and hardships as we travel in this world, (psalm 103). We know that the road will not always be what we would like, but we also know that we will be sustained and that we have a purpose, all of us. ( John 15-16 )
When you take a look at what our brothers and sisters are accomplishing in Africa, I hope you can get the feeling of adventure, as this is your adventure as well.
I also hope that you get a stir from the Holy Spirit of the Hope, Faith, and Love that you are contributing too. It is my sincere belief, this is what God wants for us. Regardless of our circumstances, we are all connected and in this together. Brothers and sisters, together heading to an eternity of adventure.
Yours in Christ,
Dino Costanzo