Ministry Update - May 28, 2020
Dear Partners,
Following is an update on our ongoing ministry activities.
We have transferred funds for the building activities of Wadada and the administration building for Faith Africa. As you may know, building erection in Kenya is a process, very different from here in the USA but we feel very good about the current progress.
Daniel's evangelism efforts now put us at around 110-115 churches, we will be offering more definitive numbers on current pastor numbers, attendance and other details in coming weeks. Under the circumstances, we are very pleased that the Lord continues to bless and increase this outreach.
There has been some stresses with our Children outreach, but we have been able to cover these extra expenses. The lockdown in Kenya over the Covid-19 crisis has caused this, but we are hopeful that as lockdowns ease, we will have less issues.
Jacqui Young, my executive assistant in my family's insurance company has been working two days a week on the Ministry efforts. We have been working on various projects, such as a management system for the ministry and a website. We are also working on two benefit skeet shooting and sporting clay shoots in conjunction with many of Dominic's shooting friends that will be held in his honor on June 12th and August 14th and proceeds will benefit RMP. These will become annual fundraisers for the Ministry. All of this activity and the financial resources are being picked up by my families trust and insurance company, so we are being able to do this at no expense to the ministry. We are being able to spend about 12 hours a week on the administration of all of this, we hope to be able to spend more time as we head into the future, so bear with us as this has been a time consuming and slow process, but we are moving forward.
The link to the website is . Please check it out at your leisure. We are still in the very early stages, but you can get an idea of what we have been doing and our goal is to continue to add so much more information as time allows us. We also have a Facebook page, Resourcing Ministry Partners, Inc, as well as a twitter account and an Instagram account. We are working on all of these channels to help keep us relevant and reachable through all forms of Social Media.
Also, please remember we have a new mailing address for all correspondence, donations, etc.:
Resourcing Ministry Partners
800 Compton RD Unit 33
Cincinnati, OH 45231
Finally, I would ask that you continue to pray for the ministry and our leaders, Ken and Bill and myself. Bill has had some health issues and interesting business challenges with the Covid-19 shutdown, but I am happy to report that he is doing extremely well lately on both fronts as the Lord continues to bless and keep him actively involved in this important calling. When I took over my father's role, Ken warned me that I would most likely encounter an onslaught of spiritual warfare and he appears to have been correct. I have had a tornado strike my house and continue to have water and roof problems at my two properties, which takes a lot of hours away from work and the ministry. But it appears the Lord has intervened for me and both issues seem to be coming to a blessed resolution, as I finally have contractors on both sites and things look promising.
I have also been dealing with chronic UTI infections, apparently caused by kidney stones. I had a CT scan and blood work done in October this past year which led to the diagnosis of kidney stones. I don't experience much pain, but every time I travel to my property in the Florida panhandle, The long drive seems to bring on a flare up of the UTI infection. It occurred again on my recent trip to deal with roof issues. It appears I was dehydrated, forgetting to stay as hydrated as possible, which in turn causes urinary issues. Pray that the Lord helps to remind me to hydrate, as well as heal me from this issue going forward. I know that those of you who are older also experience your own issues and it is my prayer that we are all lifted up to the healing from our wonderful Father and Savior.
We have also lost several supporters and friends of the ministry this past year, which hurts us emotionally and spiritually, but we can take heart, because ultimately, we are not of this world, but citizens of a much better abode, where our loved ones and friends now reside, and brothers and sisters, we must not ever lose sight of this. Christ died for us and our Father is preparing our eternal place daily, what a great and comforting thought to dwell on.
Yours in Christ,
Dino Costanzo.