Ministry Update - March 18, 2021
Dear Partners,
First, attached is a photo taken by Bishop Daniel Osoi on his cell phone. It is the ILS Summit showing how the Holy Spirit was moving powerfully through the pastoral meeting.
Second, a note from Bishop Osoi, outlining the procedure for choosing new pastors.
Thank you for your continued support!
Yours in Christ,Dino Costanzo
Greetings in the mighty and powerful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Hope this mail finds you well. Thank God for giving us life. We are fine and doing well in the Lord. The ministry is doing well, we are growing day by day by the Grace of the Lord.
We have just finished the ILS summit of pastors which ended very powerfully this Friday, with pastors of all denominations from across the county. We have built churches: Magadi, Nkureta, Oloomurua, Imparua in Purko and Oolunga in Narok County. Thanks for the donation from Resourcing Ministry Partners. May almighty God continue blessing you and all our partners.
The criteria we follow to elect new pastors is as follows: From those evangelists who are assisting their pastors and have gone for training, we make selections and forward their names to regions prior to the national Barasa. After the regional selection, their names are given to the Barasa and they are then given permission to come to the main Barasa to be vetted and their testimony is given from leaders of the region they come from. From there, the executive committee of the Reverends give a go-ahead for the pastors to attend the Barasa after the executive board meeting.
May almighty God keep all as we fulfill the calling before the return of the King!
In Christ
Daniel Osoi
Psalm 91:1Thank you for your continued support.Yours in Christ,Dino Costanzo

The Holy Spirit was moving powerfully through the Pastoral Meeting. Photo taken by Bishop Osoi on his cellphone!