Ministry Update
January 1, 2023
Dear Partners,
We apologize for such a late update, especially after our latest trip to Kenya. Things have changed so much since our last trip and we had to let things settle in for a while before deciding what to send.
First of all, the number of churches that are being administered from our outreach has reached over 200! Believe it or not, in several different regions, we have church buildings nearly everywhere. Our travelers were impressed with the number of Faith Evangelical Free Churches dotting the road ways. Due to this explosive growth, we have been able to cover much of the Maasai region and other areas as well. We have decided that we need to concentrate on strengthening the churches we have because of this growth. This entails getting the titles of the churches in the proper order, according to Kenyan laws, and taking care of the pastoral needs. Previously, approximately $8,000 USD have been allocated monthly for pastor salaries and expenses. We are raising that to $11,000 USD monthly and we are hopeful that we will be able to raise that monthly allowance in the coming months. In past years, we have concentrated on new church builds, but with this unprecedented growth and the importance of funding our front line pastors, we are going to shift our funding to them, as they are our leadership for spreading the gospel. Our goal is to raise $180,000 USD in 2023 for pastors' salaries. These salaries, coupled with Daniel's travel and family expenses, we have determined a need of $200,000 USD this year for the evangelical outreach of this ministry. We currently have $50,000 USD in our funds for this project. We are paying pastors approximately $75 USD per month. We have 180+ pastors. These pastors are not making much and, although some have other means of income, there is not a lot of opportunity for income in many of these regions.
Our Children's Ministry through Wadada is also going extremely well. The building is housing 60 children at this time, with a total capacity of 100. We just paid the school fees and other miscellaneous fees and currently have approximately $50,000 USD in our funds for this project. The annual need for this ministry will reach approximately $150,000 USD for 2023. This amount could easily change, as the number of children being helped could increase; however, we are keeping track of the actual numbers of children against our funds, so each child receives the optimum care.
Our overall take away from our latest trip is things have grown and exceeded the expectations we had for this ministry. The ministry started out with a vision of the founders reaching indigenous people with the gospel to finish our work on this earth according to our Lord Jesus teaching," to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth." This is being done in Kenya through this outreach to many different ethnic groups, not just the Maasai, which was the original goal. We have established a Children's orphanage as well, something that just followed from the original outreach.
In these last days and trying times before our Lord's return, we ask for your continued help to strengthen and establish this ministry in the hopes of saving "as many that have been called." If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us, anytime. Just email, and leave a phone contact, if you want to talk directly to one of us. Email is Also, you can call either Dino (513)608-2656 or our office (513)522-5454 and leave a message!
Resourcing Ministry Partners