Ministry Update
February 26, 2021
From Dino Costanzo
Dear Partners,
This is an update on things that have been going on, since the beginning of the year 2021.
Church builds are going along as well as could be expected through out our whole outreach area. As we communicated last fall, opportunities had opened up for the ministry and we made a commitment to release most of the funding we had to take advantage of the doors being opened up to our brothers and sisters in Africa by the Holy Spirit. We have sent along some of the pictures of the church builds and we will send some others as we get more pictures, but the actual pictures of the church builds, all kind of look similar, so we usually just send a couple for you to see. You can always go to the website to see more details. We have some emergency funding for church builds, but we spent close to 100,000 for church builds over the past year and have little funding left.
We are sending another 6,000 dollars to finish the cistern for the children's home. This will exhaust the funding for the children's home from our end. The building has come a long way, but is still in need of some finishing expenses.
We are also sending the funding for a CEF Rally for Maasai Children in Ngatatack this April. The funding for this is 7,655 US. They want to do another one later this year, but as of now, we only have the resources for this current Rally.
We had a couple of medical emergencies this past and current year, the most significant being a snake bite which total costs reached over 2,000 US. The snake bite patient is doing well and we have included a picture, although a little blurry. We have always kept some emergency funds for such things as this, but have spent several thousand this last year on emergency issues.
It was a blessing that we received enough support to buy the wheel chair, requested in an earlier email!
We are thrilled to have the funding to be able to cover what we have been able to this past year and thank all of our partners for your ongoing support. I am just updating you here to let you know, that we are getting near the end of what we can do with what we have in funding. The goal of the ministry is to do what we can, when we can.
Our partners in Maasai Land are always asking for help and we do our best to fund or pass on projects we prayerfully deem to be of value for the Glory of our Lord. Currently they have needs for all of the above mentioned projects.
There is also a need for teacher training to spread the Gospel into the slum areas of Kenya. Mary, one of the CEF teachers is involved in this and the training costs for 25 teachers is around 1,200 US. We do not currently have the funds to direct towards this, but if you feel led to help with this we feel it is a worthy project.
The goal of Resourcing Ministries Partners has always been to be a financial supporter of the work the Holy Spirit through our indigenous ministries. We do not come up with the direction, they tell us their needs and we fund or pass on the needs to the partners. I am sure when you think about it, it is certainly a very inspired way to do this. It also works great in that it takes little expense to actually manage, which means virtually 100% of the money goes to the Lord and his work.
With the technological capabilities of the 21st century, there is a lot we could do stateside on the internet at no cost. What I mean, we can expand our internet outreach to our partners with other Christian Resourcing. This could and can be in the form of prayer requests, informational and informative articles, reports, projects, research papers, etc. If any partner has any ideas that they feel inspired about, feel free to reach out to us. We have been toying with a variety of ideas in which to enhance our abilities on our website. This costs the ministry nothing and we do feel a calling to expand this type of outreach in some form. We just haven't figured it out yet, so thought we would put it out to our partners for some feed back.
I have been spending some time really trying to get my relationship closer to my Creator and Redeemer and want to leave you with the importance of what the Bible is about, it is about him and we sometimes forget that. The majority of us spend such little time gleaning the truth that is found in this living source, the greatest of all sources for the truth. Not being judgmental, just stating the obvious. So many people try to find error in the truth and that causes many problems. Jesus is very telling about the scriptures, he quotes them consistently as truth, and Luke 24:27, John 5:39-40, 5:45-46 make it very clear what Jesus felt about the emphasis of scripture. It is about Him!! And who can forget the beginning of John's Gospel: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Pretty simple, but also very complex! What a Great Father we have!
Yours in Christ,
Dino Costanzo