Ministry Update - May 28, 2023

Dear Partners,

As we approach the month of June I thought I would update everyone on the current happenings of our Ministry.

Our Church Ministry thru Bishop Daniel has been going well with over 200 Pastors being paid monthly salaries between 40-300 American Dollars for a total of 11,500 monthly. We have been able to meet these obligations with the donations of our donors, but as you can see that adds up to well over 100,000 annually. We have also repaired and built 1/2 dozen churches thus far in 2023, close to 50,000 dollars American. Bill Van Fleet and I have been spending quite a bit more time with Daniel in conversation as we work with him on budget issues and accountability of money going out from our ministry. This has to do with the explosion of growth we have experienced over the course of the ministry as accounting has moved from a quickbooks style of accounting to a bill of close to 4,000 dollars a year from a certified accountant. Did any of you ever imagine that this ministry would have an actual accounting bill? We have been very pleased that paperwork has been flowing to us in a very professional manor as we do what is necessary from our end as a non profit organization.

Joseph Riton who many of you are familiar with has stepped in and has been assisting Daniel and Nelly with the pastors and churches.

Ken has been doing the same with the Waddada portion of the ministry in keeping tabs of all of the financial obligations and challenges and is in constant conversation with Nelly. Expenses have grown proportionately for this Ministry as well, reaching into the 100,000 range as well.

We recently held a CEF Rally which was well attended. We have had excellent success with these Rallies with many children and adults making comitrments to Christ. We continue to hold and sponsor at least two of these Rallys per year.

The month of June will bring a large Revival Meeting to Bissil, where the ministry will incurr some extra expenses. We have already disbursed funding of 4,000 dollars to cover the extra expenses.

We have also disbursed an additional 3,000 dollars this month for aqusition of land for 3 churches in our Western Region.

We will continue to update you on the Revival and additional church planting.

Yours in Christ,

Dino Costanzo