Ministry Update - February 24, 2022

Dear Partners,

I am writing this update on a dreary day in the Cincinnati area. Our forecast is for rain all day and I have to monitor our current homestead for basement flooding! I will be spending the day going back and forth in my truck, from home to office and back, monitoring our sump pumps, ensuring nothing gets clogged. We have so many leaves and sticks in the yard from all the winter storms.

As I watch the pumps from my truck, I am reading a book recommended by Ken. The title of the book is Spiritual Wars by Ken Vallotton. So far, it has been a very good read. Those of you who have been a partner of this ministry know Daniel, Nelly and the Pastors in Kenya experience much spiritual warfare. They see it more plainly than those of us who reside in a First World country. Nonetheless, it is a very real part of the world in which we reside. Sometimes, we get the impression the spiritual realm is little more than a fairy tale; however, thoughtful reading of scripture will tell us otherwise. But we can glory in our salvation and take solace that we are more than conquerors in him who loves us.(Romans 8:37)

Previously, we had communicated to you a shortfall in donations for Wadada. Through your generous donations, that shortfall was met and we have funding that should take us through 2022 with no issues. We have approximately $70,000 earmarked for Wadada, which is, essentially, the expected budget through 2022.

However, with the uptick of donations and concerns for Wadada, our General Fund is well below the norm. We use the General Fund to build churches and take care of special needs that are requested, such as transportation needs, emergencies, covering short falls in CEF ministry donations, and so on. All of Daniel's Pastor expenses and other needs are also cycled through the General Funding, but actually specified directly for those needs. We currently have in the neighborhood of $100,000 in the general fund, with another $76,000 pledged. Daniel and Pastor expenses run about $20,600 per month. This means that, including pledges, we will be even by the end of 2022.

As the ministry has grown, the need for taking care of individual needs has also grown. As you can see, as blessed as this Ministry has been, we are now essentially running on an "as needed" basis, always just ahead with funding, but ultimately just about -0- balance on a year over year basis.

We have a CEF event coming up and have approximately $3,000 allocated for this. As of this writing, I don't know what the final expense will be, but our plan is to fund it and pray that funding for the balance comes in.

Recently, Daniel requested three motorcycles for his pastors to travel to, and within, their parishes. We stepped up and paid for these bikes, hoping funding will come in for these as well. The cost was $2,000 per motorcycle, $6,000 total.

The funding for this ministry has always come from a small, but generous, group of individuals. It is my guess this will always be the case, as long as the Lord continues to see a need for Resourcing Ministry Partners. Concerns were recently shared with us that they heard we were dropping support for certain parts. It never ceases to amaze me how the devil can confuse things. My job is to alert all of you on the spiritual and financial health of the ministry. Besides being a donor, I serve minimally in the decision-making process. I just listen to concerns brought from Kenya through Bill and Ken then proceed to address those wishes the best we can with available resources. The ministry began with Daniel and his vision. Over time, Nelly and Wadada were added. We also do a small amount of work for another missionary in Europe. As with the Kenya outreach, only funding specifically designated goes to them.

Currently, we are satisfied with the current climate, considering everything going on. Please prayerfully consider the two needs we have specified above. As always, we are so thankful for your continued prayers and financial support.

In Christ,

Dino Costanzo