Ministry Update - April 16, 2021

Dear Partners,

Everything has been proceeding as well as could be expected. We have had no major issues over the past month. All contact with our Kenyan Partners have produced no major concerns.

As our church growth has far exceeded our expectations, the only major concern is the monthly support for our pastors and families. The individual needs and expenses for them, as well as the children we support through Wadada, are now running close to $200,000USD annually. We do what we can and have been blessed to cover these expenses each year. Our brothers and sisters abroad are extremely thankful for all we have been able to do financially, but also recognize it could suddenly end. They do work towards self sustaining churches, but the areas our churches are located in are, for the most part, very isolated areas. This makes self-sufficiency very difficult.

A new need has arisen in the Samburu region. Daniel has started new schools at six of the church locations. The salaries run $100USD a month per teacher, amounting to $600USD monthly. After prayer and discussion, we have decided to meet this monthly need as long as we can. Education is a big part of Daniel's ministry and we will support this need for as long as we can.

Church growth has been explosive this past year and we continue to do all we can to encourage things financially. As always, we are thankful for the support from everyone! The intention of these ministry updates is to keep you in the loop as to how things are progressing. If you feel the calling to help out, that is great!!!!

Due to the whole Covid thing, we are entertaining the idea of travel this year but are doubtful it will occur. Our hope is to send Ken and a few others to Kenya in 2022. We will keep you posted on any progress in this area.

Brothers and Sisters, I pray that you continue in prayer and scripture reading. The times we are in are unprecedented in scope. I know that the church has always been under siege since its inception, but it seems to be worse than ever. We can take solace in the fact the church seems to expand during persecuted times. I do believe we are reaching that point in time where the fullness of the Gentiles is coming to its conclusion. This is all the more reason for us to press forward with everything we have in us towards the prize Paul talked about in 1Corinthians, 9:24-27.

I highly recommend to all of you to look into what C.S. Lewis, A.W Tozer, and Randy Alcorn have to say about our eternal home, it will be an encouragement to you.

Yours in Christ,
Dino Costanzo