Ministry Update February 4, 2021

Dear Partners,

You should be receiving in short order, your year end giving statements. Please let us know if there are any problems with what you receive and if for some reason you do not receive it. Just to let you know, if you don't, the CARES ACT gives you the ability to deduct 300 dollars for non profit charity donations over and above the standard deduction.

We in recent days sent money for the construction of 5 more church buildings and also money for the continued construction of the children's home and a well to be used. We have enough income to pay for pastor expenses and children home expenses for the balance of the year, with a small amount kept back for any emergency situation that may arise.

We also have sent some emergency first aid funds for a snake bite and some other minor issues.

Depending on our contributions this year, will dictate what more we can actually do in the building of churches, as well as finishing the Children's Home and Administration Building. In the mean time we are so thankful for what we have been able to accomplish with your financial contributions over the past year and former years for that matter.

I personally have been spending a lot of time in prayer for some friends of mine, who are struggling with some daunting health issues. I have seen some miracles and have also experienced some set backs. I know all of you experience the same things that I do, it can be so joyful, but also so humbling. I am reminded of the classic scriptures for such times- Romans 8:28-And we know all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose, and Habakkuk 2:4- Behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright him: but the just shall live by his faith.

Brothers and sisters, continue to strengthen yourselves by spending time, in the word, prayer and with time together with our fellow Christians.

Always remember, regardless where we find ourselves, we are in a multi-dimensional war that has been being waged for at least 6,000 years.The Lord does bless us through the hard times, but unfortunately, hard times have persisted since the fall that happened in the long long ago. Praise be to our God and Savior Jesus Christ as he has made a way for us and what a glorious blessing that is.

We will continue to update you, as we get information and any photos and videos that come to us. Our website is updated as we get information as well

Yours in Christ,

Dino Costanzo